I want to start this article by stating what I mean by “First Impressions” and that means that the review is being made from the perspective of the first few hours of gameplay, are generally spoiler free, and should be recognized as early game reviews. I would also like to say that I am a pretty big Shonen Jump fan so this article may come across as a little bit biased, but I will try to be as objective as possible. With that out of the way, I have to say that Jump Force is a game all about fan service and relies more on nostalgia than deep, satisfying gameplay. While that may sound harsh it’s also the truth, the character roster is filled to the brim with beloved characters, stylish moves and finally settling the old debate of who would win between two of your favorite Jump characters, even…
It’s only been a few months since Rockstar Studios’ released Red Dead Redemption 2. However, it would appear that the game has already garnered some serious sales numbers. Now parent company Take-Two Interactive has decided to come forward with the details. While titled Red Dead Redemption 2, the game is actually a prequel to 2010’s Red Dead Redemption. Starring Arthur Morgan, the game centers around the Dutch Van der Linde gang during 1899. Featuring a slew of interesting characters and set in the American wild west, Arthur Morgan is sent on an adventure that will change him forever. Take-Two Interactive has now come forward with a detailed report of their fiscal third quarter. Within, the company revealed that Red Redemption 2 has “sold-in more than 23 million units worldwide.” It’s important to note that “sold-in” means that the game copies were sold to retailers, rather than directly to customers. However,…
Assassin’s Creed has become a staple of modern gaming. The series has been around since way back in 2007. As with any franchise that has been around for 12 years, the game series has had its ups and downs. Now, however, it would seem the game is once again on the rise. Now 21 games strong, Assassin’s Creed has flooded the market with a bevy of amazing titles. That being said, not every Assassin’s Creed has been a smashing critical success. Ubisoft, parent company to the franchise, has a reputation for annually releasing sequel after sequel when it comes to their properties. Assassin’s Creed was certainly no different. First off, let’s take a quick look back at when it all started. Assassin’s Creed has become a staple of modern gaming. The series has been around since way back in 2007. As with any franchise that has been around for 12…
You know a game is good when I don’t want to stop writing about it, you know a game is really good when I want to stop writing about it to keep playing it, but you know a game is truly great when I spend two days attempting to power play through the whole thing and THEN can’t stop writing about it. Resident Evil 2 Remake is one of those games. Now I want to preface this by saying I have not played the original RE 2 (I know, blasphemy!) but I have played the rest of the games in the main franchise so they are all I have to compare to gameplay wise but I am aware of the story of the original so you can put the pitchforks and torches down now. Now into the actual “quick” review. At a glance Resident Evil 2 Remake is a fantastic…
Well, the time is nearly here. Kingdom Hears 3 is now just days away from a worldwide release. While the game has not quite made it in stores, reviews for the massive title are already hitting the internet. Now, the time has come to take a look at what the world thinks of Kingdom Hearts 3. Don’t let the three within the title fool you, Kingdom Hearts 3 is far from the third title within the series. With just shy of a dozen within the series, Kingdom Hearts is filled with spin-offs and alternate universes that both entertain and boggle the mind. Now, however, fans of the series are gearing up for the final chapter of the primary narrative. Some of the top sites within the gaming world have already offered a review of the upcoming title, offering fans a sneak peak at Kingdom Hearts 3. Check out what many…
Following a video from YouTuber TheQuartering — who noted the game’s low availability on Amazon as one of many reasons for Fallout 76’s potential move to free-to-play — the rumor of the game’s shift to being a free service sky rocketed. However, it would appear that there is no reason to get excited quite yet. Fallout 76 is the latest in Bethesda’s highly popular Fallout series. While Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 have been met largely with high praise, Fallout 76 has met negative critical reception. The game currently holds a Metacritic score of 52 for its PC version. None the less, news of the game’s potential shift to free-to-play snared the attention of many longtime Fallout fans. A fan would go on to ask Bethesda if there is any truth to the rising rumor. Bethesda however has since categorically denied any intention to take Fallout 76 to a free-to-play…
2022 Update: Atlas is still not worth getting yet. Should you buy into Atlas right now? I’m going to say no, but caveat that clearly with I haven’t played and I’m simply sharing the advice that I’m following myself. Atlas has right now an overwhelming amount of negative reviews and a lot of chatter online about how buggy, broken, etc. that it is. There is also the fact that it’s allegedly just an ARK DLC wrapped around a new standalone game, ala Fallout 76, which was a DLC wrapped around Fallout 4’s engine with multiplayer added. There is also the fact it’s still one of the most watched games on Twitch this far out. So why do I say you should hold off buying? Well, it’s to let the community sort out if it’s going to adopt it or not. If you haven’t bought it yet, I would hold off…
Twitter isn’t a litmus test of public opinion of actual players, it’s simply a litmus test of the public.