I love watching horror games on YouTube, at least ones that don’t rely only on jump scares. Games like Baldi’s Basics, Outlast, Resident Evil 5, etc. are all fun haunts to watch someone else deal with the tension of being chased. Being chased is the primary theme of most horror games. There is a monster, somewhere hidden within the game world and he’s coming for you. Seriously, look at the below: Most horror games involve fear being from the unknown element of a stalker. Something is out there and you could run into it at any given point. Fear is the motivator but Luigi’s mansion is different. It’s creepy and spooky and scary and it has jump scares, plenty of them, but it doesn’t use time as a motivator. It doesn’t make you have to run and hide and constantly test different locations for you to hide in order for…
Ring Fit Adventure is a wild ride into the world of “Wii Sports” if it were. To be completely upfront and honest, it accomplishes something that Wii Fit, Wii Fit Plus and the Wii Balance Board couldn’t accomplish which is an actual workout, with some exceptions which we will get into. The circular band is a massive improvement over both the balance board and the Wiimote only modes of play that previous iterations have. If you don’t know what it is, you basically have a leg strap to measure where your legs are and a “Ring Fit” which is a circular ring that you attach a Joy-Con to. With the ring, you can press in or pull out and the game measures not only its relative position but also what you’re doing with it and the intensity. An adventure mode exists that allows you to go on an RPG like…
Disco Elysium is a true RPG and a lot of fun. It can be difficult to figure out what you’re supposed to do and when. While we have some spoiler free tips, they don’t give you the direct answer. The hard thing about a game like Disco Elysium is that you can approach it in so many ways that there isn’t a universal best way to play it, especially considering how skills impact chances of success for various quests. To that extent, we’ve put together a helpful FAQ and mini-walkthrough on the story so that you can get answers to the questions you have about the game. Is there combat or jump scares? There are no major scary bits, although there are a few “sudden surprises” that aren’t quite jump scares – like the screen blacking out or something like that.There is no combat. All of the game is done…
Disco Elysium is a RPG with no combat. It’s like Fallout I & 2 or Arcanum but without combat. Imagine if you did all of the town exploration in Arcanum with a Phoenix Wright style exploration mechanic. You basically click on things, talk to folks and explore a world while customizing your character for how you want him to be. One of the biggest helps in understanding the game is that choices seriously matter. There are choices that will open or close various side quests and decisions have permanence. The game tracks most actions in the game and NPCs will treat you based on your current state. Understanding the Writing One of the things about Disco Elysium is that it’s not just written in a sort of artistic way. It’s written from the point of view and perspective of an amnesiac alcoholic cop on a planet that isn’t Earth. Many…
Improve your skills with these quick tips.
Want to start playing Path of Exile? Here are some quick facts for new players.
Let’s bring things up a notch.
Want to earn some amazing loot real fast? Check out our guide down below.
Want to build up your resources in Path of Exile? Check out our guide down below.
Astral Chain is harder to categorize than most games because while it is part RPG, part action game it is also part detective game, part collection game and part visual novel. These tips below will help you through the game itself, if you’re looking to pull off an S+ ranking then see our tips for earning an S+ ranking every time. You Can’t Collect Everything in the First Playthrough You can replay levels and this is important, because for file 02 for instance, you can’t get the kitty cat without a different legion. You’ll only have your sword legion and its special ability will be locked until a tutorial. It can be slightly frustrating sometimes because you want to collect everything but the game won’t let you. The major collectables are the red corruption and one bathroom and one kitty kat per level, in addition to all of the files.…