


Gacha games are a significant and influential gaming model that has enthralled modern mobile gamers. They resonate both with popular culture and gamers which has created a wave of mobile-first titles focused on random chance more than gameplay. The impact spreads beyond the games themselves, fueling gacha like elements in many of today’s modern live service games. Ever wondered where this came from and how it spread so far and wide? We’re going into detail on each of these elements and more with our ultimate guide to gacha games. Everything from what they are to where they came from to where they spread to. Join us as we take this adventure through random chance, waifus and pity rolls. What are Gacha Games? The gumball vending machines that were filled with capsules containing various micro-toys (of various rarity) are the original inspiration for gacha games. Gashepon (capsule-toy) is the basis of…

Age of Empires II (AoE II) remains strong after its 2019 release, remaining high on the top played Steam games through 2021 and even through 2023. It’s both an eSports title of kind as competitive PvP is a big scene and friends everywhere are reliving playing both PvE and PvP in AoE II. The following tier list is both for LAND and SEA. This is a generalized mix based on who is the overall most powerful across the board. If you’re looking for an easy civilization to pickup and play (and win) then our S-Tier is where you’re going to want to go. If you’re looking for a good civilization with good starting skills and mobility, look to the A Tier. From B Tier on, it’s more your choice to play than the best the game can offer. Though with the right build order, most civilizations can fair well. In…

The Main Scenario Quests (MSQs) are the core story quests in Final Fantasy XIV that guide you through the major plot points of the game. They unlock as you progress through the levels and expansions. As the game evolves and you can skip earlier content, the MSQs are still a critical part of the leveling adventure no matter what expansion you start with. The MSQs will be your primary source of experience points (XP) as you level up, especially for your first job. You’ll get tons of XP rewards from completing these quests, which makes leveling up smooth and straightforward. We have another leveling guide focused purely on the first 70 levels, whereas this guide is for anywhere in the game that you may be. My advice for new players is to focus solely on the MSQs when starting out. Don’t get distracted by side quests or other activities, just…

Adore’s combat is groundbreaking, intuitive and different from creature summoning games that have been needed for a long time. The latest update and full release have shown a polished strategic pet summoning game that has ARPG elements, rogue-like elements and something different than turn-based pet combat. If you’re big into pet games, you shouldn’t take my word for it and head on over to the Adore steam page to start checking the game out yourself – we recommend it. You summon a team of four creatures who fight for you. Your main character can’t actually engage in battle directly, only dodge and you don’t have absolute control over your summons. You’ve got to involve a lot of strategy and tactics to get through combat and what appears to be simple gameplay unravels as you move deeper into the game. If you played the game early in early access, you will…

Diablo IV is a powerhouse of top down clicking loot harvesting demon slaying mania and you can do so with a selection of classes. The question is, which class is the most optimal and then what would be the primary core skill? Let’s take a look at our top picks for the wanderer in Diablo IV. This list assumes playing solo, since group dynamics can make up for a lot of weaknesses and turn a lot of eh builds into something stronger. Since there’s so few classes in Diablo 4, we’ll break it down to a tier per class. S Tier Necromancer (Bone) The Necromancer’s minion builds are strong in the first 50 levels, but towards the endgame you’ll be thankful to take the bar space back and choose from some powerful abilities instead of taking the golden along. Right now, the bone abilities like bone spear make the Necromancer…

Valheim is an amazing viking journey through a hostile world made so much better with friends. One of the beautiful things about Valheim is that single player can become multiplayer at anytime by inviting other players into your world and vice-verse. This of course requires your computer to be on and you to be playing, but what about when everyone wants to build cooperatively but not have the host on? Then it’s time for a dedicated server. You could rent a dedicated server for a myriad of hosts. It’s simple and some even let you host mods. If you do that you’re basically done; rent the server, follow the server hosts guide and voila. Yet you’re now stuck paying for a server that you could play this month or you could not and often times these hosts can have data export restrictions making your game world… their game world. So…

Rifts are a progression mechanic in Legends of IdleOn: The Idle Game MMO that provides intense bonuses and encourages the battle progression of multiple characters. It’s a somewhat always there location to return to no matter how far your progression in the game is and allows for exponential bonuses to existing mechanics. The very first bonus, auto traps, for instance removes the need to manually check your traps. To unlock the Rift you’ll need to get to World 4. Specifically, you’re looking for the Octodar map (The Untraveled Octopath), labeled with the NPC “Rift Ripper.” Before you continue, you’ll want to note that while the first quest is doable by anyone, the rift itself is best suited for Mages who can respawn enemies, like the Bubo. You’ll run into some rifts that a Mage won’t work on, but all in and all a Mage will do best in the rift.…

Sailing is a World 5 skill in Legends of Idleon that allows players to send captains out of voyages in the high seas to return with treasure and rarer treasure: ancient artifacts. Sailing, the Slab and Gaming from World 5 should all be high priorities. There is no multiplayer component to sailing. Sailing is a fully single player activity. You can expect to setup sailing once per day and not have to touch it again until another day (or several hours at a minimum). Sailing is a slow advancing skill that requires no characters to be active on it and any change impacts all characters on the account. No specific character has any specific roll. Obtaining Captains in Idleon There’s five tiers of captains, six if you count the base tier. The base tier is a simple sprite with a red cap. Tier 2 is pink with a black cap.…

Weapons and skills in Gunfire Reborn revolve around three elements: Fire, Lightning and Corrosion. These elements will proc status effects on enemies that can then lead to advanced fusion effects that can cause enemies to do all kinds of neat things, such as attack other enemies instead of the player. Let’s first take a look at how the elements work, what they do and then some tips on how to use them to up your game in Gunfire Reborn. Elemental Damage Conversions for Gunfire Reborn Each damage type can cause a specific status state on an enemy: Fire (HP) -> Burning Lightning (Shield) -> Shock Corrosion (Armor) -> Decay If you have multiple status effects, they will cause additional status effects: Burning & Shock -> Manipulation Burning & Decay -> Explosion / Combustion Shock & Decay -> Miasma Status Effects Burning: Damage over Time Shock: 10% more damage Decay: 50%…

Limbus Company follows Dante and his 12 sinners as they make their way through “The City” to recover Golden Boughs from Lobotomy Corporation offices. In the process, Dante can pull an alternative universe identity in for one of his sinners. In other realities, the sinners all have different lives, some more powerful than their LCCB variants. One of the nice thing about Limbus Company is that all of the identities are well balanced; the issue is more on resistances and damage types than it is on the actual identities. However, some standout better than others. Curious about the story of “The City” and the sinners? Check out our story explained for Limbus Company. What Makes a “Good” ID (Identity) Each sinner’s kit is determined by their ID. Each ID comes with 3 skills, 2 passives and some other stats. Those skills need to synergize well and in general, Project Moon…