


When we consider the power of gaming one of the things we don’t consider often is its ability to be extremely inclusive and allow for a wide swath of people from the full spectrum of socioeconomic statuses to enter into a video gaming career. Due to the nonstandard approach and ease of entry into the streaming space and just playing, becoming a professional eSports player is “easier” than ever. “Easier” of course being in quotations because it’s not “easy” as in you can just start day one and begin as a professional eSports player. No, the “easy” part is the materials for getting started. The rest of it is up to the skills of a player. You, your child or your young adult may be interested in being an eSports professional. Wearing a jersey, being on stage in front of a large crowd (or viewers at home) and basking in…

I’m serious, the title says it all. Trying to come up with a gift for the holidays? Extra storage. Google One is an example, anyone who made a Gmail account in the early 2000s is likely running out of storage and a year ($20) is a massive boon for those who are having to debate deleting virtual history in exchange to continue receiving email. It also helps with any Android user, who then has a massive extra amount of space to back their phone up and other helpful things, like the ability to call Google for technical support. You can even share a family plan, which is another great way to help. Both Google and Apple allow that. There is Apple storage, it’s about the same dollarish a month. You save more buying a whole year and gifting storage is simple: Go into the Apple Store, choose what you want…

Right now I have too many games to play. Here is a list of what I’m trying to actively work through: Apple Arcade games. I’m trying to play them, but I’m so overwhelmed by other games that when I sit down with my Apple TV or my iPhone I’m just thinking I could be playing something else.Luigi’s Mansion 3: The game is wonderful in small bite sized chunks, however, I’m trying to beat it and it does take time.Tales of Vesperia on the PS4: I am almost to the final boss, but so many other games have came out I have to put it on the backburner.Red Dead Redemption 2 for PC: It’s finally on PC and I want to play online with friends, but I’m trying to get through Luigi’s Mansion 2.Pokemon Sword & Shield: As of writing this, the new Pokemon is almost out and I feel like…

The Movies, a business simulator, launched in November 8, 2005 and is still, today, played by an ongoing community who loves not only the fun of building your own movie studio but also the fun things you can do with the movie creation tools. YouTubers Life OMG! is, in so many ways, a modern streamlined version of The Movies, just without the animated movies built in. YouTubers Life takes you into the life of a burgeoning online video star who starts their career with a potato for a PC, mic, webcam and general setup while living with their parents and follows their career house to house as they expand their video making empire. Each video you produce allows you to choose cards to decide outcomes that impact the videos script, acting, editing and sound level. You then go in and edit the video, working in post-production to match scenes together…

If you want to play Outer Worlds, the new Fallout 3/4-like game by Obsidian, you have a few options. It’s on the PS4, Xbox and on PC via the Epic Games Store. However, instead of buying it full price, you can actually play it (at least for the first month for $1) and not even have to have the Epic Store installed. This “trick” isn’t a trick at all and is an intended play path by the developers. You can get the trial for Xbox Game Pass and install the PC version off of Microsoft’s website (no links – trust no links to it, go to Microsoft yourself to avoid malware). In the games included with the game pass is not only Outer Worlds but other awesome titles like the Gears of War series and Metro. That’s it, all there is to it. Now, you can also buy the game…

Borderlands 3 is the sequel to Borderlands 2 and kicks off with a new vault hunter back on Pandora taking on an epic adventure throughout the galaxy. There is a lot of the same and a lot of new things in this rendition and our review is pretty simple. If you want an FPS loot game that’s sillier than Destiny 2 and/or an improved version of Borderlands 2 then this game is a must have. The looter shooter has impressive combat, great guns and fun characters to play with some interesting and challenging encounters throughout the world. If you want a detailed story FPS game then, I’m not sure I would recommend Borderlands 3. The story, while long and very in-depth, isn’t very good. The basic premise is that there are two people who have taken over the bandits on Pandora and formed a cult. You’re basically fighting against the…

Fortnite can surprise you with some really interesting community building mechanics. Here’s the lowdown on the season 11 transition: the last season and full “chapter” ended and the entire Fortnite map was destroyed with everyone falling into the black hole. The black hole has some numbers, which was solved and means “I was not alone. Others were outside the loop. This was not calculated. The nothing is inevitable.” When the servers come up, there will be a new map and a lot of fresh new content in the game. This is actually a really awesome event because it’s driving community growth. Pulling players together to work on the puzzle really builds outside the game community development. Even with the leak making the solution easier, it still brought folks together and was still a great idea. The downtime also allows players to resolve some fatigue in the game and get excited…