


Limbus Company is a gacha mobile game entry into the world Project Moon has developed. The story is canon and occurs within the world of Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, but isn’t a direct sequel to either of the previous games. We’ll go through the story, including the background on the manager, sinners and the overall plot. There will be no spoilers for Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, beyond what is shared in Limbus Company. Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina Limbus Company fits in as a side story to the world Project Moon has created. Some very quick backstory. There is Lobotomy Corporation (LC) and Library of Ruina (LR), which are two games that are back to back sequel. To understand the games, you first have to understand the world. The World of Project Moon There is “the city” which has 25 sectors, each corresponding to a…

We have to store information in this world and we have to do with with electricity, which is quite hard. There’s physical means of storage, but ultimately, we’re using electricity to write it and read it, because computer instructions are just that: electricity. In that way, storing that information is important to everything we do: your bank needs to know how much money you have and your video game needs to know how much gold you have. Traditionally this information would be stored in a database, ultimately looking something like this: “294384,username,482,48982” which would be like your userID, userNAME, GOLD and DIAMONDs. Enter blockchain technology. A revolutionary new way of storing information, leveraging a decentralized list of records where multiple “nodes” process and verify data amongst one another. This gives all kinds of cool advantages, which I’ll let Wikipedia explain blockchain, but it also uses A LOT of power and…

Scott Cawthon is retiring from the Five Nights at Freddies series. You can read the full details over on his site right now, but since it will change, we’ll include the full announcement at the bottom of this post. For FNAF fans this is kind of big news, but in reality with where the franchise is now, I’m not sure that is exactly is for the reasons I’ll outline below. Scott has sort of long moved more into a visionary role than an actual core programmer of everything. The original FNAF games were mostly developed by him (I’m not exactly sure the exact percentages of his development vs. outside help for each game). They were simple and easy to develop. Streamers and YouTube gamers made the series popular with their reaction to the game’s relentless jumpscares and, in later games, the increased difficulty modes where precision button mashing was required…

Here we go again, it seems like Nether Realm Studios can’t catch a break when it comes to keeping anything about the most recent Mortal Kombat game. MK 11 isn’t even out yet and the entire roster leaked before half of them were even announced and now it seems like all of the DLC is being leaked too! Data Miners from Reddit have cracked the Nintendo Switch version of the notorious fighting game and managed to find probably the only secrets this game had left including supposedly all of the DLC Kombatants and the possibility of even more. This is just a reminder that every leak should be taken with a grain of salt until confirmed by the developers, so now that we’re reminded we can move on to the actual leaks. [SPOILER WARNING IF YOU CONTINUE YOU WILL SPOIL THE DLC OF MK 11 FOR YOURSELF] The Image below…

If rumors are true then pretty soon we’ll have to start planning the funeral of the Microsoft Games division and the Xbox consoles. For a while now MS has been making some………. let’s just call them questionable decisions in terms of supporting Xbox and their exclusive games. For example, Xbox Play Anywhere has been an exciting combination of both sides of their business, using Xbox games to push their PC audience to buy through the Microsoft store but where they started tilting the scales too far was making Xbox exclusive games available on PC. When MS made Xbox exclusive games Play Anywhere they killed any interest the average gamer had in getting an Xbox, especially the One X. While it is true that the Xbox One X is graphically one of if not the best-looking home console on the market the more cost-effective option is just to get a decently…

Ben Affleck officially announced on Jimmy Kimmel that he is no longer playing Batman. Affleck had tried to initially write, direct, and star in his own Batman movie, but ultimately he couldn’t make it happen. The project is being passed on to director Matt Reeves, who is best known for directing Cloverfield, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, and War for the Planet of the Apes. Reeves has spoken about making a noir Batman movie that will focus on the detective skills of Batman, which I think is going to be a great, refreshing take on the character that the films have left out. But who will don the cape and cowl? I have no idea why his name has been thrown around in the mix, but there is a rumor out there that Robert Pattinson may be in line to play the next Batman. Yes, the vampire from Twilight… I refuse to live in a world where he is my…

When is enough bloody fighting games enough? Well, we aren’t there yet because Mortal Kombat is back and just as bloody and lore confusing as ever. With the latest reveal of classic (or Klassic if you’re a nerd like myself) character Jade, I figured it would be a good time to check in and see who all will be on the latest MK roster and how they all fit in with the story. In a surprising turn of events, MK X was not nearly as brutal in terms of killing story characters as its predecessor Mortal Kombat (Technically the 9th game in the series). Probably because it forced the devs to change up the roster for the next game and quite a few characters are returning in MK11. Scorpion and Sub-Zero were virtually guaranteed to return they brought along some classic and some newer characters that managed to survive this…