
Tier List


We are delighted to share that our website, Gaming Tier List, was recently profiled by our partner, Publisher Collective, in their popular monthly Partner Spotlight series – Partner Spotlight: Gaming Tier List . Publisher Collective interviewed our founder, David Piner, to highlight our unique approach to gaming content and advice for aspiring website entrepreneurs. In this interview, our founder covers a variety of topics from how our site was founded, to how we handle reviews, to our popular SMITE tier list. Readers can learn more about our values, vision, and content creation process in the full interview here. It provides a fascinating look behind the scenes at how we collaborate with partners like Publisher Collective to constantly improve. We’re so very thankful to our community for helping our site grow and be a popular destination for gamers online. Our site originated out of the frustration of [not being able to]…

Age of Empires II (AoE II) remains strong after its 2019 release, remaining high on the top played Steam games through 2021 and even through 2023. It’s both an eSports title of kind as competitive PvP is a big scene and friends everywhere are reliving playing both PvE and PvP in AoE II. The following tier list is both for LAND and SEA. This is a generalized mix based on who is the overall most powerful across the board. If you’re looking for an easy civilization to pickup and play (and win) then our S-Tier is where you’re going to want to go. If you’re looking for a good civilization with good starting skills and mobility, look to the A Tier. From B Tier on, it’s more your choice to play than the best the game can offer. Though with the right build order, most civilizations can fair well. In…

DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 is an amazing fighting game that has developed well over the years. Here’s a comprehensive tier list, updated as of 2023, to help you find the best character in the game. You’ll need to unlock them all first! We’ve got another tier list, what we call the “simplified tier list” also included below. If you’re just looking for what’s the best character to play in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 or just the generalized best, check out that section. If you’re looking for the in-depth form by form tier list, that’s right below. In-Depth Form by Form Tier List S Tier A Tier B Tier C Tier D Tier F Tier Simplified Tier List Here are the major notable characters and why they’re in each tier. S Tier A Tier B Tier C Tier Hercule Tier

Warframe has a lot of Warframes and some of them are free, some are expensive and a lot can be received via the Twitch Prime rewards (i.e. Amazon Prime members on Twitch). The question a lot of players have is what are the best Warframes. For me it’s clearly Octavia, the ball that rolls around and the damage and the buffs are just so powerful and the music is very fun. For many others, it’s going to be something like Gauss or Wisp. We’ve put together a tier list of the best (highest damage / survivability / team play) all the way down to the Warframes that may sometimes look cool but won’t have that output you want. Remember if you have Amazon Prime you can get the Prime sets via Twitch, which can help build out your portfolio of Warframes. Really cool! Often times you’ll hear play what you…

What’s the best civilization to play in Civilization VI? We’ve got you with our tier list covering the full depth of what each S Tier civilization can do and why you’d want them along with our runner-up picks if you’re looking for more of a challenge. The civilizations in this tier list rank from the best for new players and overall, to the worst overall. If you’re looking for the best civ to play to play with your friends then any S Tier civilization below will serve you well. Anything above a B tier could be considered competitive. Try one of these civilizations the next time you’re going at PvP or even in PvE, they’re universally ranked best to worst. S Tier Australia You get bonus production in war cities, rough terrain early game units, coastal tiles and pastures and then massive economy improvements all together. You’ll be a powerhouse.…

You’ve seen our hero tier list for NARAKA: BLADEPOINT. Now it’s time for which items are best. This is a bit subjective since even the F tier weapons may be in some player’s favor, but that’s okay. Please use this as a general guide for which weapon to pick going into combat in NARAKA: BLADEPOINT. Let’s get equipped for battle: S Tier Items (Best Items in NARAKA: BLADEPOINT) The best items are: A Tier Items These items are okay to use: B Tier Items I’d want to really want to get these items to be my favorite before considering them. C Tier Items I’d rather something else. F Tier Items NARAKA: BLADEPOINT No.

We’ve got a GTL Tier to all of your fast-food favorites. We’ve taken the top 50 fast food locals and ranked them into tiers. Check out your picks below next time you’re hungry and looking for that S Tier bite. The below tier list is highly subjective, your favorite place to eat will always be S tier. We also leveraged market data to help rate the food, placing a heavy emphasis on total net sales. The more sales a restaurant makes, the more likely their food is rather good. So we take that into account as well. If you’re wanting a clear winner right now, we’d give the S+ Tier to: Chick-Fil-A S Tier These are the all time best fast food places. You’re not going wrong with any of them. Here are some controversial picks. Subway and McDonalds beating out some of the fancier sandwich shops and hamburger places…

Wayfinder has several options for classes and we’re here to help you pick the best. Our tier list covers both solo and group content. Our S Tier picks are going to be your absolute best picks and we go into details why along with with some other choices and some classes we’d consider more situational. Tier List There are currently six classes in Wayfinder. We cover the reasoning behind our tier list below. S Tier The S Tier contains the two strongest, most well-rounded classes that excel in nearly all situations. These classes are powerful right out of the gate, relatively easy to play, and highly desired by groups. NissAs a shadow assassin, Niss utilizes high mobility, stealth, and precision to quickly shred enemies. Her unique dodging mechanics make her tricky to master, but rewarding to play. With strong burst potential, self-sustain, and high skill ceiling, Niss is one of…

This is a tier list to gearing up of sorts. We’ve got the best armor sets listed out and how to get each from starting (Moonward) to the current endgame gear set. If you’re looking to get max level fast, check out our leveling guide. Gear while you’re leveling up is based on what you get from the MSQs and duty drops. Max level is going to require roulettes and dungeons. Let’s dig into it! Gearing Up Fast The Moonward gear set (item level 570) is the easiest to obtain using Allagan Tomestones of Aphorism, earned through roulettes and level 90 dungeons. Moonward fills gear gaps while working towards higher item levels. Clearing normal Pandaemonium Asphodelos raids gives Unsung Relics to trade for Limbo gear (item level 580). Repeatedly clearing Zodiark Extreme earns Astral Totems to buy Eternal Dark accessories (item level 580). Clearing Hydaelyn Extreme earns Umbral Totems to…