Weapons and skills in Gunfire Reborn revolve around three elements: Fire, Lightning and Corrosion. These elements will proc status effects on enemies that can then lead to advanced fusion effects that can cause enemies to do all kinds of neat things, such as attack other enemies instead of the player. Let’s first take a look at how the elements work, what they do and then some tips on how to use them to up your game in Gunfire Reborn. Elemental Damage Conversions for Gunfire Reborn Each damage type can cause a specific status state on an enemy: Fire (HP) -> Burning Lightning (Shield) -> Shock Corrosion (Armor) -> Decay If you have multiple status effects, they will cause additional status effects: Burning & Shock -> Manipulation Burning & Decay -> Explosion / Combustion Shock & Decay -> Miasma Status Effects Burning: Damage over Time Shock: 10% more damage Decay: 50%…
Sludge Life has 14 achievements. We’ll dig into the 14 achievements and give you some tips on some of the more trickier ones. You can find Sludge Life on Steam. First we have a spoiler free list of achievements and then we have a guide to the endings and some of the trickier achievements. Spoiler Free Achievements Augment the menu (Ghost’s computer) with the To-Do List app in Glug Tower to see them tracked. Sludge Life Achievement Guides (Spoilers) Here’s every achievement guide along with tips for some of the more difficult achievements. Spoilers ahead! Endings Good Ending Go to the Glug CEO’s room. You can glide into the balcony from Chemico 2 via the pink trampoline. The other is to go into Glug Tower and go all the way upstairs. Go into the office, press the button under the CEO’s desk, which opens a bookshelf. Bad Ending Go to…
There’s a lot of slots to equip gear in Star Trek Online and gearing up can be hard starting out. You’ll need consoles, armaments, impulse engines and shields to power your ship not to mention you’ve got to equip a deflector and warp core! There’s a lot of loot that drops in the game and it can be really confusing on what to do to gear up and where to go to get ready to serve the Federation, Klingon Defense Force, etc. We break the gear guide down to before level 65, right when you hit 65 and pulling together your gear after that. Let’s begin! Gear Before Level 65 As a free-to-play player you’ll mostly be kitting your space ship out with mission rewards. You’ll be getting new gear constantly that you can use to replace your already equipped gear via missions. It comes so quickly to be quite…
Hogwarts Legacy, by Avalanche Software, is one of the more fun RPG games of the year but there is a strong stigma around the game. Within that stigma, there are a specific group of militant extremists who believe anyone who purchases the game deserves some kind of retaliation. Sites have popped up, which we will not promote, encouraging communities to search for streamers and users who are playing the game in order to harass them. The issue is that much of the rhetoric is subjective; objectively the game was developed by a diverse team at Avalanche and WB. Playing the game is a choice that each person decides on their own what it means to them and the ability to make that choice is critical to self-autonomy. If you feel you should boycott the game then you should do so; if you do not feel it morally objectionable to play…
Forspoken is a isekai video game that has you in a magical world working to get back home. The start of the game really sets up the rest of the game and is likely the hardest part to get through so we’ve got some tips and tricks for the early part of the game to get you up and started. This guide works for Xbox, PS5 and PC since all three games are the same. If you’re looking for the best platform, PS5 is likely to run it the smoothest unless you have a beefy PC. If you’re having trouble running the game on PC then don’t hesitate to turn the settings down and make sure to close all the background applications. There’s a demo available for PC players hesitant to purchase. It’s recommended to try the demo first to see how you like it before buying on PC. Down…
SIGNALIS only allows for six inventory spaces and many players do not like the concept at all. So much so the developers have responded noting that they’re working on iterating on some kind of change that doesn’t remove the spirit of the gameplay but alleviates some of the player concerns. For me, I find the entire debate fascinating. The issue stems from the way that the game presents the inventory as sort of a puzzle challenge, akin to games likes Resident Evil. It forces the player into a set playstyle, something modern gamers aren’t very appreciative of, where you will always optimize your run by not bringing ammo and only carrying one weapon. That gives you five inventory slots for all other items. Yet, players who play the game on Easy or Normal will likely want to play aggressively and in doing so will want different weapon options, lots of…
SIGNALIS is sort of an enigma of a game. It’s a great recapture of the feeling of the “5th generation” era of gaming and is actually a lot of fun. While its considered a survival-horror game, its more akin to an action-stealth game like Metal Gear Solid and less like Resident Evil per se. However, it has a very interesting, wild and convoluted story that needs a bit of explanation. Another thing to note is a three person team worked on this game. I touch a bit on this in my article about meetings at video game studios, but a lot of the game is clearly intentional from a development standpoint. Which is why SIGNALIS feels so buttoned up. SIGNALIS Is an Analog Horror Simulator That’s it, that’s as simple as it is. Everything in the game is built around a dream like experience of that 5th generation era of…
High on Life released to massive success on Game Pass and is a really fun, but rather short fourth wall breaking adventure. We’ve got a one page sheet on which weapons are best and what’s the best part about them, some top tips and wisdom on missables, a list of confusing parts during each of the bounties and finally we wrap-up with a spoiler free secret ending guide. That’s a lot, but for a simple game it’s the best way to get everything you need in one place to make this is a far-out space adventure. Weapon Tier List A+: Creature Creature’s ability is just really good because it’s offensive and defensive. Their trick shot is almost worthless, absolutely worthless. The mind control just sucks on lower difficulties, on the harder one it gets some heat off of you but ultimately the ability to just non-stop have enemies staggered with…
It can be a lot to figure out what to play in Warhammer 40k: Darktide. The operators, which are the primary top hierarchy for the class, all come with drastically different playstyles. A Preacher will do mostly melee while a Sharpshooter will do mostly ranged and there isn’t much in-between. What you pick is what you play. The good news is the game gives you multiple character slots so you can go in and play whatever operators you’d like. You can also make an operator, try it out for a bit and then reroll and skip the cutscenes and get all the starting progress made up in about 30 minutes. Don’t ever hesitate to try another class! Below we’re going to break the operators into our best generalist picks (i.e. you want to do everything on a single character) and then explain what the best specializations are. We also give…
Over the years automation has taken a powerful hold on online social commentary and allows fraudsters to launch their attacks and scams at scales never seen before. While you’re online, you’re going to want to think of your personal and financial safety when you engage in any monetary transaction. The thing is, it’s very easy to blur the lines between what’s a monetary transaction online and what’s a simple click of a button. Fraudsters use this and launch complicated attacks via bots and other methods to target online users in a variety of categories. Scammers are going try everything they can to separate you from your possessions (virtual and real). Today we’re going to delve into the nuances of scams in the world of video games and MMOs, however the best place to start with the topic is the US Government’s “How to Avoid a Scam” article produced by the…