


Dave the Diver does an exceptional job of telling you where to go and when. The main story is full of breadcrumbs, UI elements, guiding arrows and landmarks to help you navigate the Blue Hole. There are some elements that might have you scratching your head. Without spoiling the story, we’ve put together how to get through the main quest-line along with a lot of tips, hints and tricks to make it in the Blue Hole. Getting Through the Main Story Most of the main story will directly tell you where to go and how to do it. There are a few places you might get stuck: Chapter Walkthroughs Dave the Diver is a chill game. Your missions and to-dos are in the “To Do” app on your phone. The game is very explicit on where to go. For points of reference, the ship wreck is different than the cargo…

Dave the Diver Developer: MintRocket MSRP: $19.99 – Steam Dave the Diver captivated me within the first few minutes of playing. After dinner I was on my PC exploring the Blue Hole with Dave and loving every second of it. Dave the Diver is an action 2D/3D mash-up that has you exploring the Blue Hole with Dave while running a seaside Sushi resturant. There’s so much more though jammed into this amazing must play game. Dave the Diver is definitely well put together, the pixel art is striking and the game systems are considerate and have been iterated on efficaciously through the game’s early access. We don’t give any sort of numerical or percentile ranking to games, but if anything about Dave catches your eye then I would definitely say it’s worth the full price admission. It does everything it promises and it does it well and my nights with…

Diablo IV has a very anticlimactic ending that may leave you scratching your head if the game is really over or what has occurred. It may not make a lot of sense at first, but there’s a few things at play when it comes to the ending. We’ll go first over the ending itself literally then take a figurative look at what all of this means for Sanctuary. Quick Note: For the backstory on Lilith, Inarius and Sanctuary see sort of “Part 1” which goes over the events before the game. We’re going to dive right into the ending, which kicks off towards the very end of Diablo IV. How Does Diablo IV End? Inarius and Lilith were both, from the player character’s point of view, insane from their time exiled. Inarius had been in hell for a few millennia per Lorath (which holds the canon from the books still)…

There are two choices to get xp fast in Diablo 4 and it depends entirely on what you want to do. You can do the campaign which is a necessary and required component to playing your first character. At certain points in the story you may need to level up to continue or you may be ready to grind out your levels, either way we’ve got the best farm location and XP gaining tips. If you’ve already done the story you can skip the campaign again and just focus on leveling, meaning you need somewhere to farm without having to move around and do a lot. In this guide we’ll go over the important steps to optimize XP, but first let’s talk about getting that XP. After all you probably already know to turn it to world tier II from the start and play on the highest world tier. This…

The “VMan” is the third class promotion for the Journeyman “secret class” in Legends of Idleon. It requires a Maestro at level 150 to get started, but you’ll likely need to be into World 5 to really get the character unlock with any speed. It requires all of the first three worlds to have 1,000,000 kills registered along with some other steep requirements. Let’s dig in. VMan Unlocking Guide You’ll start by visiting world 4 at level 150 on a Maestro. You should only have one secret Journeyman class character per account ideally. So once your Maestro is level 150, you can begin the quest. Do note, the quest does require a lot of kills which means you may need to wait even longer before you can finish it. Once you’re level 150, on the right side across from the cooking table is Agent L150 who will start the quest.…

Rifts are a progression mechanic in Legends of IdleOn: The Idle Game MMO that provides intense bonuses and encourages the battle progression of multiple characters. It’s a somewhat always there location to return to no matter how far your progression in the game is and allows for exponential bonuses to existing mechanics. The very first bonus, auto traps, for instance removes the need to manually check your traps. To unlock the Rift you’ll need to get to World 4. Specifically, you’re looking for the Octodar map (The Untraveled Octopath), labeled with the NPC “Rift Ripper.” Before you continue, you’ll want to note that while the first quest is doable by anyone, the rift itself is best suited for Mages who can respawn enemies, like the Bubo. You’ll run into some rifts that a Mage won’t work on, but all in and all a Mage will do best in the rift.…

Sailing is a World 5 skill in Legends of Idleon that allows players to send captains out of voyages in the high seas to return with treasure and rarer treasure: ancient artifacts. Sailing, the Slab and Gaming from World 5 should all be high priorities. There is no multiplayer component to sailing. Sailing is a fully single player activity. You can expect to setup sailing once per day and not have to touch it again until another day (or several hours at a minimum). Sailing is a slow advancing skill that requires no characters to be active on it and any change impacts all characters on the account. No specific character has any specific roll. Obtaining Captains in Idleon There’s five tiers of captains, six if you count the base tier. The base tier is a simple sprite with a red cap. Tier 2 is pink with a black cap.…

There are so many overly complex guides to how to gear a ship up so that you don’t instantly lose story missions in Star Trek Online. It can be really hard to figure out just what you need to do, soup to nuts, to build out a ship in STO. The game’s difficulty starts to really heat up after Dyson Sphere when you enter into the Delta Quadrant and there isn’t any handholding in the game on what to get, what to buy and where. The guides players have made can take an hour or more to read to figure out what to do, where to go and how to get it. The frustrating part is that after, say, you grind everything at level 40 then by the time you’re level 50 it becomes time to do it all over again. Let’s help get a ship that’ll take on almost…

Star Trek Online (STO) has 65 levels that each character can progress through. All content in the game is level matchable, meaning that if a party has mixed levels then everyone can match to a single players level and more or less enjoy the content together. Leveling up still lets you unlock critical systems to unlock more ships and deck them out with cool Trek gear for your virtual space odyssey. Leveling up quickly is possible a few different ways. We’ll focus on the two most enjoyable and quickest methods: playing through missions and then grinding patrols. Leveling through Missions in Star Trek Online You can level up very quickly as a free-to-play player through missions alone; this is best for brand new characters. The most enjoyable way, although not the absolute fastest, is to focus on doing the story missions more or less in order. The missions will always…

This guide will help you understand which classes are the best (and worst) in Legends of Idleon, which order to choose for your characters and exactly why. This is something that actually determines how well you’ll do in the entire game and how much you can advance because each of the classes are much more proficient in some resources than others. The Class Tier List So let’s break this down. The warrior should be your first class that you make because it’s going to be focused on mining, the first really important resource for you and it’ll be really good at farming something you’ll want to pour a lot of your resources into for your first character. Warriors do a multi-swing attack in melee, making them a lot more effective at farming actively than Mages and Archers, who attack at range. Idleon is a game of minimizing damage, so melee…