Warframe fans, get ready for a wild ride! February brings Lavos Prime’s debut and surprises galore, while March teases the epic Techrot Encore update!
Warframe’s latest update, “Koumei & The Five Fates,” introduces a new Warframe, fresh missions, and a mini-boss. Perfect for both rookies and veterans!
Warframe has a lot of Warframes and some of them are free, some are expensive and a lot can be received via the Twitch Prime rewards (i.e. Amazon Prime members on Twitch). The question a lot of players have is what are the best Warframes. For me it’s clearly Octavia, the ball that rolls around and the damage and the buffs are just so powerful and the music is very fun. For many others, it’s going to be something like Gauss or Wisp. We’ve put together a tier list of the best (highest damage / survivability / team play) all the way down to the Warframes that may sometimes look cool but won’t have that output you want. Remember if you have Amazon Prime you can get the Prime sets via Twitch, which can help build out your portfolio of Warframes. Really cool! Often times you’ll hear play what you…
Discord Nitro is the premium monthly subscription addon to Discord, the free voice & text chat app that gamers have adopted. We’ve moved past Teamspeak and Ventrilo and live in a Discord world. No longer does someone have to pay for a TS or Vent server, with Discord being free everyone can have their own server and talk to their friends, guild mates, etc. Discord does charge for its premium service, Nitro, which comes in at $9.99 USD a month or $99.99 a year (2 free months) or classic which is $4.99 USD a month or $49.99 a year (2 months free). What You Get You get the following benefits (read over these and if it sounds good then you’ve answered the question yourself, if you’re still curious scroll down and read our thoughts): Classic Nitro & Nitro Tier Custom Discord Tags: You can change the “Discrim” or the four…
Sharpen your competitive edge.
If you have ever played Warframe you probably know two things. One that nearly every warframe is unique and it is hard to make a true “Best Of” list because of that, and two that it is sure confusing to look up Warframe warframes. So in light of that first point this list isn’t in a 1-5 format, these are just the best warframes we could find all grouped up into a single list and that all of these are the best in their own right so this list is in NO PARTICULAR ORDER. So with that out of the way, lets get to the list! Octavia Have you ever wanted to make music and kill enemies at the same time? Well, Warframe has the perfect warframe for you. Octavia is mixing beats and making death with a customizable instrument of death (literally!) that allows you to create a song…