Gunfire Reborn is a cute and fluffy rougelike adventure with adorable scenary and great combat. Of course, the game’s name is “Gunfire” and guns are a huge focus in the game. Enemies are constantly dropping new guns Fortnite style everywhere and it can be hard to know what to pick-up and what to leave on the floor. We’ll go into the best guns and then follow-up with some guns you might want to never pick-up. Let’s kick off with our S-Tier weapons, then follow with some A/B tier picks which are still best in class, but not considered broken or just good to use all the time (Illusion). We’ll end with weapons to just avoid. Weapons have modifiers too, which makes them contextually good or bad based on drops. Elements matter as well – check out our Gunfire Reborn Elemental Damage guide. Gunfire Reborn S Tier Weapons / Best Weapons…
Weapons and skills in Gunfire Reborn revolve around three elements: Fire, Lightning and Corrosion. These elements will proc status effects on enemies that can then lead to advanced fusion effects that can cause enemies to do all kinds of neat things, such as attack other enemies instead of the player. Let’s first take a look at how the elements work, what they do and then some tips on how to use them to up your game in Gunfire Reborn. Elemental Damage Conversions for Gunfire Reborn Each damage type can cause a specific status state on an enemy: Fire (HP) -> Burning Lightning (Shield) -> Shock Corrosion (Armor) -> Decay If you have multiple status effects, they will cause additional status effects: Burning & Shock -> Manipulation Burning & Decay -> Explosion / Combustion Shock & Decay -> Miasma Status Effects Burning: Damage over Time Shock: 10% more damage Decay: 50%…
There are so many overly complex guides to how to gear a ship up so that you don’t instantly lose story missions in Star Trek Online. It can be really hard to figure out just what you need to do, soup to nuts, to build out a ship in STO. The game’s difficulty starts to really heat up after Dyson Sphere when you enter into the Delta Quadrant and there isn’t any handholding in the game on what to get, what to buy and where. The guides players have made can take an hour or more to read to figure out what to do, where to go and how to get it. The frustrating part is that after, say, you grind everything at level 40 then by the time you’re level 50 it becomes time to do it all over again. Let’s help get a ship that’ll take on almost…
There’s a lot of slots to equip gear in Star Trek Online and gearing up can be hard starting out. You’ll need consoles, armaments, impulse engines and shields to power your ship not to mention you’ve got to equip a deflector and warp core! There’s a lot of loot that drops in the game and it can be really confusing on what to do to gear up and where to go to get ready to serve the Federation, Klingon Defense Force, etc. We break the gear guide down to before level 65, right when you hit 65 and pulling together your gear after that. Let’s begin! Gear Before Level 65 As a free-to-play player you’ll mostly be kitting your space ship out with mission rewards. You’ll be getting new gear constantly that you can use to replace your already equipped gear via missions. It comes so quickly to be quite…
Farming energy credits in Star Trek Online can be a daunting task when there isn’t any direct indication of how you can do so in the game. You need EC (energy credits) to buy items from the exchange. You’ll need them even if you don’t plan on making your EC (energy credit) fortune farming yourself and instead earning them vis-à-vis the exchange. You’ll need at least a few million in seed money to get going and that in of itself can be quite hard, especially when first starting out. This guide is assuming a full free-to-play experience. Players who wish to exchange real life money for energy credits can do so via master keys in the official Zen store. The keys can be sold directly or you can open Infinity Lockboxes to earn lobi crystals and sell the content, although you can get boxes that provide almost no value EC…
To reach world 5 in Legends of Idleon you’ll have to first defeat the previous four world’s bosses. You only have to do this with one character, which is the critical step in making this “speedrun” as fast as possible on a fresh character. One of the reasons to reach world 5 quickly is that it makes the rest of the content nearly trivial and prevents you from sticking around the previous worlds grinding for way too long. We’ll break this down world by world. If you’re already at say world 3, use the table of contents to move to world 3 and just start there. You can technically reach world 5 within a week or two without spending any money, expect to spend roughly a month unless an event that gives free candies is running. While you can play any class and will have a full team, check out…
High on Life released to massive success on Game Pass and is a really fun, but rather short fourth wall breaking adventure. We’ve got a one page sheet on which weapons are best and what’s the best part about them, some top tips and wisdom on missables, a list of confusing parts during each of the bounties and finally we wrap-up with a spoiler free secret ending guide. That’s a lot, but for a simple game it’s the best way to get everything you need in one place to make this is a far-out space adventure. Weapon Tier List A+: Creature Creature’s ability is just really good because it’s offensive and defensive. Their trick shot is almost worthless, absolutely worthless. The mind control just sucks on lower difficulties, on the harder one it gets some heat off of you but ultimately the ability to just non-stop have enemies staggered with…
There’s a lot to picking your first class and then subsequent job in Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) to take into consideration. Seasoned and new players alike can have difficulty choosing which job to play and it’s especially relevant for new players who have to stick with the first class they pick for awhile. Getting stuck on that class selection screen is a real reality with so many classes in FFXIV to choose from. The first thing we go over is picking your class and you’re stuck with that until level 10. Then at level 30 you can change to jobs which grant expanded abilities. Then at level 50 there are new jobs to unlock based on expansions and other considerations. So we go into what all the different classes / jobs do in the game, how to acquire them and what they do. So consider this a one stop shop…
Having the right weapon at the right time isn’t always possible in a randomly generated loot crawler like Minecraft Dungeons. That’s alright though, there’s plenty of weapons all around that will knock your enemies off the map and take down even the toughest bosses on the highest difficulties. If you’re wanting to know what are the best weapons in Minecraft Dungeons are along with their special abilities then look no further: Top 5 Melee Weapons: Top 5 Ranged Weapons: These are the best melee and ranged weapons in Minecraft Dungeons. The game is pretty cool though with all the weapons. Sometimes it’s more about what makes you happy and what mods you get than the actual weapon type. These unique-ish weapons above though will come generally with special abilities that’ll give you an edge ontop of the mods. Hope this list helps you out. Happy hunting in MC Dungeons!
It can be a lot to figure out what to play in Warhammer 40k: Darktide. The operators, which are the primary top hierarchy for the class, all come with drastically different playstyles. A Preacher will do mostly melee while a Sharpshooter will do mostly ranged and there isn’t much in-between. What you pick is what you play. The good news is the game gives you multiple character slots so you can go in and play whatever operators you’d like. You can also make an operator, try it out for a bit and then reroll and skip the cutscenes and get all the starting progress made up in about 30 minutes. Don’t ever hesitate to try another class! Below we’re going to break the operators into our best generalist picks (i.e. you want to do everything on a single character) and then explain what the best specializations are. We also give…