Let’s talk about the best hero to play in NARAKA: BLADEPOINT. It’s a free-to-play battle royale with a heavy emphasis on melee. This creates a lot of really interesting flashpoints on the battlefield as range takes a backseat to player-on-player duels. Taking that into account it’s important to focus on a hero that matches your specific playstyle.
We’ve got the top heroes based on empirical facts (how often they’re picked, community feedback, eSport streamers top picks, our opinions). We also quickly dive into who is best in 1v1 mode.
NARAKA: BLADEPOINT Hero Tier List (All modes)
- S Tier: Matari, Yoto Hime
The S Tier picks are very popular in the game and they deal an intense amount of damage. Yoto Hime has a large AoE slash and Matari has intense mobility. These are the two heroes that you should focus on if you’re just looking for the absolute best hero in NARAKA: BLADESTORM.
- A Tier: Tarka Ji, Yueshan, Ziping Yin, Feria Shen
A Tier is a bit different; these are all good picks (I’d ignore the rest of the list). These heroes give either enough utility or enough DPS to make them worthwhile picks. For B Tier and below, I’d only play if you can really get something out of their kit.
- B Tier: Viper Ning, Wuchen, Valda Cui, Justina Gu, Akos Hu
- C Tier: Temulch, Tianhai, Kurumi,
- F Tier: Takeda Nobutada
Takeda could be much higher tier if his weapon grab wasn’t so finicky and twitchy. It’s a class that you either get and (at that point probably don’t need a tier list) or it’s a class you probably shouldn’t pick. Everything else is pretty accessible, but I feel that Takeda has his own problems.

1v1 Best Hero
For 1v1 you’re going to want a pick a defense style hero. This is where Takeda can actually shine if you’re good with him (and the best place to practice him). Otherwise, you’ll want to focus on the B and C section for a hero that really aligns to how you play to win well in 1v1.
It’s also the best practice mode, so don’t think about it so much as winning but picking your favorite hero (i.e. S or A tier) and then working your way through 1v1. If you want to throw people off-balance, Takeda is the way to go so I’d say he’s S Tier for 1v1.