You’ve seen our hero tier list for NARAKA: BLADEPOINT. Now it’s time for which items are best. This is a bit subjective since even the F tier weapons may be in some player’s favor, but that’s okay. Please use this as a general guide for which weapon to pick going into combat in NARAKA: BLADEPOINT.
Let’s get equipped for battle:
S Tier Items (Best Items in NARAKA: BLADEPOINT)
The best items are:
- Longsword: The most common and useful sword. It’s got a long range.
- Dagger: Needs more finesse than the Longsword, but the damage makes up for it.
- Spear: Used to be higher, however, it’s a frequent target of nerfs due to its range and ability to stagger.
- Bow: Ranged weapon that gives you a bit of an advantage in a melee focused game.
- Musket: Ranged weapon that gives a bit better aim and a charged shot ability (plus more ammo). Frequent target of nerfs unlike the bow.

A Tier Items
These items are okay to use:
- Repeating Crossbow: It’s okay.
- Katana: The longsword is better.
B Tier Items
I’d want to really want to get these items to be my favorite before considering them.
- Greatsword: SLOW
- Pistol: WEAK
- Swarm: SLOW
C Tier Items
I’d rather something else.
- Bloodripper: DAGGER
- Flamebringer: WEAK